Grief To Grace - Understanding & Supporting Grief Masterclass

Date: September 15th

Time: 19:00 (UK)/11am PDT/2pm EDT

Join Free - usually $47

Are you struggling with grief or trying to support someone who is?

This upcoming masterclass is here to help. I will break down what grief really is and talk about the do’s and don'ts of being there for someone who's grieving.

We'll cover different types of loss, whether it’s losing a loved one, a job, or even a relationship. Plus, I’ll share my own personal story of grief, giving you real-life insights and practical tips. Come along and learn how to navigate grief with compassion and understanding.

Let’s walk this journey together.

What you will learn

What is grief & identifying different types of loss

Grief is complex. It is personal and it can be difficult to navigate. Grief follows any kind of loss. You will learn about different types of loss (not just the loss of loved ones who have passed) and identify how grief plays a part in that loss. You will explore your own life experiences but do not worry, you do not need to share.

Do's & Don'ts when supporting a loved one

We have all put our foot in it! Sometimes we do well and sometimes we want to crawl under a rock and can't believe we said or did that to our loved one who is grieving. It's ok. We will discuss practical do's & don'ts and give you some real tools, tips, and resources so you feel better equipped to support your loved one.

Grounding Techniques

But what about YOU? It is painful watching your loved one hurt. It is downright heartbreaking! Once you step away from your grieving loved one, then what? What do you do with your pain? Well you have come to the right place. I got you! You will walk away with a toolbox of grounding techniques.

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